Short Story: Cuckoo Create a Demon

 Cuckoo Create a Demon

By Rebecca Milne

Chapter 1

I hadn’t seen her I ages, it had been half term break, so naturally we wanted to catch up. So one weekend before the start of term we agreed to meet on the train and go wherever the line took us. Needless to say it seemed like shed gone off the rails. I had tried asking so many questions, but she didn’t respond. Strange, she’s normally quite bubbly. I wondered if she was upset or holding something back, maybe something happened in these holidays I didn’t know about. Without thinking I nudged her slightly too hopefully wake her form this trance. Her face shot at me as soon as our skins collided. Her eyes somehow full of colour and changed. I noticed what she was wearing and it didn’t match who she was at all.

Her eyes were like a carousel of colours, a little like a roulette wheel but not one I’d like to play or linger on. Her hair was not the usual dark blonde. It was lighter but with black ends that must have been coloured in with a sharpie. Her face was pale, normally shed be a shade off umpa lumpa orange with makeup applied neatly but to the extremes of buying the whole of Boot. Something was up. Her nails weren’t painted but her finger tips were covered in blood. I didn’t know what had happened to her but right now I didn’t know who she is. She’s wearing her usual black jeans with the rips in the knee but her T-shirt looked something like a toddler would wear or that of a circus freak. For once her outfit didn’t make much sense.

The main feature that stuck out was that on her neck. She wore nothing. A place where a silver heart that was given to her by her mum on her last birthday. The neckless she refused to take off, in any circumstances, was now nowhere to be seen. I was trying to make sense of this non-recognisable stranger I sat with, she was sitting next to me grinning madly. Her pupils dilating at a very fast pace.

“What’s wrong?”

I find myself asking, a little creeped out.

“You’re wrong”

She replied bluntly. I was confused and so nudged her again a little more harshly, I’ll teach her for scaring me. Instead of going back to her normal self or reacting with normal human instincts to pain she just laughed.

“Who are you?”

I ask, whilst moving along a seat. I was ready to make my escape and run when we reached the next station.

“I’m miss take, now let me in your mind”.

I must be going crazy but as if reading my mind strange things started to happen. Things I could not control or react normally to, never mind fully explain. My friend is not herself, the train seems to be slowing down in the middle of nowhere and I’m getting a migraine. Just then, my friend stood up and I hear a demonic child’s laugh in my head. My friend is still grinning, her eyes as cold and as black as ever.

I tried to blink but I was lost in a trance, the world around me falling into colours and bright lights. Everything spinning and I find myself laughing like the voice in my head.

“I thought you were my friend!”

I say as the last breath of my own persona leaves me for. I get her reply as I feel a twitch in my senses.

“No, I’m miss take”.

My eyes roll back and now I co-exist in a world of colour. Looking around a place where nothing seems normal. Only me and my friend, these people – these normal people there insane.

Chapter 2

We stayed on the train until we reached several termination stops, never setting foot on a platform until it got dark. I was lying on the floor of the carriage, she was on a chair and I could just make out her rocking frame. She stared intently at any passengers that boarded and sat near to her.

I think a guard asked us to leave or she got bored with whatever shed been doing. Either way we left the train and I stumbled down the cobbled street. My friend linked arms with me which I didn’t notice until I found myself out of breath because wed skipped for 3 blocks.

The next thing remember was asking her

“Will I see you again soon?”

As I was trying to find my house keys in my bag.

“You’ll not see me for a while but I’ll be there”

With that she left. She practically disappeared. Either that or I fell asleep pretty quick after shutting the door.

The term resumed and that day with my friend seemed like a blur. I still can’t get over what happened. I couldn’t tell my parents or anyone. They’d probably think we were drunk or I was dreaming it happened. Whatever it was, it was more of a nightmare, a nightmare I couldn’t fully remember but could never forget.

Now I’m dressed in the usual black of my uniform but it somehow felt wrong. I let my hair down unlike normal and I got on the usual bus to school. Form the bus, to the path into from room I didn’t have the energy to talk or interact with anyone, or even listen to music.

There she was, sitting in the back corner of form room, usually she’s gossiping with other girls or hunched over a boys shoulder. Today though she’s sitting there, staring into space. As I walked past the many classmates to reach her, I felt like I had eyes watching my every move. I know I haven’t been sleeping well and I know I look different because somehow I feel different. That didn’t matter.

I kept getting fits where I heard a laughing or a voice in my head, hers. Nevertheless I could never speak of that day, ever. I sat next to her but neither of us opened our mouths to talk.

“How are you?”

she asked


I replied. Noticing then that neither of us were looking at each other or moving our mouths to communicate. Must be my imagination, after all we have had the same conversation every day – must just be de Ja vu.

I didn’t see her for the next few hours. Within this time I had been looked at strangely a few times, teachers asking if I’m ok and a boy in my R.E class called me mad. I sat down in my last lesson of the day. 2nd row from the back on one side of my English class is where I sat but she was on the other side of the room.

Still a little hurt form the mean comment I received in R.E I tried to distract myself by pretending to open books or searching through my pencil case for something I obviously didn’t own. I didn’t know what I was doing but I was glad no one was watching me. Or were they?

“Going mad are you?”

She asks, doing nothing but look forward. She was addressing me in her usual voice (not the demonic one like on the train) yet she did not even glance in my direction. I answered without using my mouth. I was thinking of a response but I think she somehow heard it.

“I don’t know, what do you think?”

After the thought crosses my mind I turn in my chair to look at her but find her already staring with her big black eyes at me again. The laughing starts in my head, as my friend grins. We then continue our conversation almost telepathically, but for us it somehow seems normal.

Chapter 3

The week continues with nothing but silences and mind reading. Now I look back at it the guy I talked about the one who’d insulted me, he hasn’t came back into school. Normally I’d wonder where he went but since he referred to me as mad, I didn’t really care. I’m at the bus stop waiting for the always late bus, my friend is delayed but when I see her come from behind the side street I hear an ear piercing shriek. A group of girls are standing a few metres away with their hands over their ears. My friend just seems to be smiling at them. I looked back at the girls and found them gathered around a body.

Without giving a second thought, I ran to see what all the fuss was about. Thinking it’ll be an old man having a heart attack or one of the girls doing hysteric theatrical stuff, pretending to act out Shakespeare. What I saw though was nothing like id been expecting.

It was the guy, the one who’d called me mad, the one I talked to my friend about and the one who hadn’t been in school for the majority of the week. He was lying deathly still on the ground, twitching occasionally. His snobbish gelled hair that he was so proud of was now cut and messed up like he’d been jumped by a murderer. His eyes were open but black. His mouth that usually holds the cocky grin he wears all the time was now stitched closed. At least he won’t be talking again, was my only thought.

The paramedics arrived before our bus but my friend was already gone. The people dispersed as the body was removed. I heard her voice in my head again.

“Well the only path he’ll be on is the road to the morgue”

She laughed but yet I found her words, given the situation, serious.

Has she got no sympathy? I thought. I mean I didn’t really like him but I didn’t expect to see him as a corpse. She responded to my thoughts as if she’s been exploring my brain once more.

“No one messes with my friend. He was out of line so I made a little mistake when dealing with him”.

The voice fades away and I’m left with the thought that my friend could have killed someone, but at least he’s no more. Normally I could have cared, normally I’d want to talk to someone about it but no one would understand.

That night my friend was at my window. Her face would seem to look tired but her eyes were alive, jumping around the room but kept bouncing off me. Before I realize what’s happening I’m crossing over a hill with my friend, I’m in my pyjamas but given were we are and who I’m with I couldn’t care less. We stopped at the top of the hill and sat down. At the bottom of the hill was a travelling circus in full beam and life. Funny, I didn’t think it opened for weeks.

“He was a snob, didn’t have an open mind, he deserved it.”

My friend said these words as if she’s answering a question, a question id either asked or thought of. So at this reassurance I laughed.

“You know they’ll ask questions? They’ll be evidence, they could find you!”

I say.

“I don’t make mistakes like that, anyway when you look in there, what do you see?”

She points at the tent. I was about to ask why when she began again.

“Poor creatures, cut off from the world. They couldn’t be less normal. I feel safe here”

She looks down at her lap with her eyes still staring wide eyed at the tent.

I didn’t know what to think. For the sake of my own sanity I think its best I think nothing.

“You haven’t told anyone have you?”

My friend says this in a menacing tone that continues without answer.

“Not your parents, not the school nurse not even any of your other friends”.

It is now that her voice is scaring me. My body sets on edge.

“It would be hard to explain”

I said, trying not to sound as frightened as I was. My friend laughed and I felt her big eyes staring at me, trying to unlock my mind. I was about to move when the trance hit me again. I thought I was running away. Gaining great distance from the madness. When in fact I was lying on the cold grass staring at the stars that were surrounding and attacking me. All I hear is laughing, but I no longer know whose. As the world around me fades away, I didn’t know I was being moved. I wake at what seems like hours later but must only have been minutes. I’m in a hospital bed with my mum looking frantic in the corner and two nurses standing a few paces out the door. I don’t know what’s happening or how I got here but my first question is where my friend is?

It takes a few moments, a lot of explaining and even more tissues for my mum and nurses to come to terms with what’s happened and what I’ve been through. Apparently after I’d left with my fiend out of the window, my mum received a call. It was my dad saying he’ll be back from the oil rigs in 2 days. After ending the call my mum went to wake me to celebrate the good news, he hadn’t seen my dad in months. Once opening the door m mum noticed the blinds going mad with the wind from the wide open window. Then she noticed the empty bed.

Within the hour shed contacted most people in hers and my contacts but no one had seen me. Mum said id rung her on my mobile but didn’t talk, when she picked up. I couldn’t remember taking my phone with me or phoning her or her panicked voice down the phone. This was real. Mum phoned an ambulance or the police or one of the emergency services to save me. Or save her from me being missing and not being able to find me. They’d tracked the signal, found me and without me knowing, drove me to hospital.

I had to tell them everything, what else could have done? Lied about my fiend and now my possible insanity? Like I earlier predicted, mum didn’t understand, she freaked out.

Chapter 4

Every test they put me through proved unsuccessful. Physical illness, mental illness and emotional instability, they obviously couldn’t find a disease to fit my symptoms. I’m not the best at science and my fear of blood would prevent me ever getting a job in the field of medicine, yet I know that whatever this is, it’s untreatable.

Mum checked me out later that day but took painkillers, antibiotics and happy pills from any chemist that would offer. When we got home she promptly grounded me and made me drink about 4 litres of water with a pill in each gulp. She’s just worried, it’ll phase out or I’ll die of drug overdose, either way. Dads coming home soon but mums swore she wouldn’t tell him of this “happening”. She still persisted to lock my bedroom window and threatened to put a lock on my door if it wasn’t for the bathroom being on the other side of the house and dad may notice.

Even though mum still drugs me up every 8 hours, she still sent me to school. The next day, she drove me in and went into the main building with me. Told me I should just run along to my lessons or locker or whatever I do but I should stay clear of me friend. Before I left earshot she called “the school nurse will occupy your time at lunch and an hour after school, I’ll come pick you up after.”

As is the drugs and hospital visit wasn’t enough. Yes my mother took to things like this quite extremely and a bit over the top. Now she’s messing up my time at school. The next 3 hours was the shortest of my life, the lessons I had were without my friend but I knew she’d want to see me. Meet for lunch like normal.

Before third period ended I got called out by Miss Casdian, the school nurse. She hasn’t really got a doctor degree but she’s more of a mental advisor. She can deal with anything. From a break up story to a trying to commit news break. She’d heard it all. Normally shed respond with kindness, offer a pamphlet or two, offer to meet up once a week and in extreme cases give the choice of getting a councillor. Things get said like “everything spoken is confidential and is not repeated” but by our 4th year wed heard a lot of stories that had been given to miss and 9 times out of 10 shed always end up calling parents. Needless to say I was nervous about speaking to her. My mum already knew after all she’s the one who asked for this, dad didn’t know and by looks of things I didn’t think my friend’s parents knew either.

I sat in the chair opposite from Miss Casdian and she just seemed to stare at me as if she didn’t know why she summoned me. After waiting a little too long for a confession she spoke, lightly

“You know, friends can be influences on even the smartest of people, such as yourself.”

She expected me to answer or reply to this and normally i'd have had a lovely conversation like I do with everyone who talks about me and my friend’s relationship, but this was different. I breathed in, looked up for a minute to catch her eyes then looked back down at the floor. A small tension built as we sat in silence again.

“Look. just because a friend acts odd or goes off the rails, does not mean a person should follow. Such like friends are bad influences and can destroy you”.

It was now that I was on the edge. My friend was not a bad person, nor was I. she defiantly was not a bad influence or off the rails. I clenched my fists, usually I’m a pacifist and would not result to violence over words. Miss turned around, moved drawers of her desk then placed one of her many owned pamphlets on the table between us. It had a cartoon drawing with a title of “so your friend controls you” in bubble letters.

I reached my limit. My friend and I are not bad, mad, influential, controlling or weird. I’m sick of this madness with these accusations coming from everywhere. I felt a twitch in my right eye, then in my left. With my blood rushing and pulsing, my fists still clenched. I could no longer control my feelings.

Chapter 5

I didn’t mean to. I liked the lady, asked a little too many questions and made more than necessarily needed accusations for my liking. I wouldn’t want to hurt her, yet I did. That twitch turned my eyes black like hers and as I looked up to meet her gaze, she jumped of her chair. Stumbled backwards and mumbled a lot of questions. “What are you doing? Do you need a glass of water? Maybe you need a little process time?” she never got an answer.

I had apparently jumped on her and knocked her out, threw direct punch to the skull.

I was not the only person to visit miss’s office that lunchtime. After I left, someone went in and ripped all pamphlets miss owned and put paper clips in her cheeks to make her mouth smile but eternally closed. I got shown security footage in the headmaster’s office later that day as they though Miss Casdian was dead. She was in critical condition and would need stitches but all I did was knock her out. There was no proof of me hurting her more than that. The CCTV jumped or glitched.

As expected the school phones my parents to get them in for a meeting to discuss what happened. My mum and the headmaster sat in the office for what seemed like years. I was not worried. Until I got invited into the room with them and talked about other attacks on students. From Anthony Matthews the guy in my R.E class to some of the girls who’d stood over his corpse.

Roumer has it a few started to suspect me or my friend as we did not show as much sympathy as them. Over dramatics I’d call it. One or two started laughing and walking in front of a train. Another hung herself, others ripped out chunks of their own hair and drowned themselves in a sink full of bleach.

At first I didn’t understand how this was an attack as it seemed self-caused or suicide. Maybe just over dramatized teenage romance gone wrong. When I’d then asked the head, after hearing these many stories

“What does these so called attacks have to do with me and my friend?”

My mum was startled by my tone but I didn’t care. I wanted an answer. The head seemed unphased by my unpleasant mood and said

“All these girls started demonically laughing or started chanting the word Mistake before taking their own lives”.

My mum nearly started to cry but I was still frustrated.

“Sorry sir but I’m afraid you’ve lost me, your answer did not respond to my question”.

I sounded more like myself, my normal self. Maybe a little more determined.

“I was getting to that evidence miss parker”

My headmaster said whilst moving to pick a file up from a filing cabinet in the corner. It had pictures of a girl and of a lovely coastal scene. Then there were scraps of pages which looked like ripped out diary pages.

“This is Miss Nancy Dool, acquaintance or distant friend from the girls and Mr Matthews that got attacked. Before jumping off a cliff on Saturday night. She resolved our questions in her diary, we only looked in their for any evidence to see why she killed herself. You know, to give her family and friends peace of mind”.

My mum nodded and turned over the page of pictures to see the diary pages. I was stunned. If I knew she’d wrote this, I would’ve killed her myself. My friend would defiantly had murdered her five times over.

Nancy was not a friend of ours, she’d bad mouthed me behind my back since I met her in year 7. This diary page though, all her anger about me was released and with it, some secrets about my friend. My headmaster pointed at it and said

“You may need to read this miss parker but you must tell us if this is valid evidence or faked. I know girls can be well… girls. And makeup these kind of lies but given the circumstances even the police want to know. There due in 15 minutes unless we say its false evidence.”

Chapter 6

I picked up the file, removing it from my mum’s red and pouring eyes and read.

Dear diary,

I’ve finally got my revenge on miss oh so perfect parker. Turns out her friend has been the psychotic murderer behind all the attacks. I’ve heard it from all the victims. The last person they’d seen or caught a glimpse of was Mistake. This mistake is none other than my enemy’s best friend Marley McHark. I mean she changed her hair, dresses differently does not even work whilst in school and smells like somethings just died. She seems to have miss parker in a trance, well I hope my bodies found and BOTH of them get the blame. I’ve seen them in my dreams these last couple nights. Marley’s laughing and her stupid friend is laughing along with her.

When my bodies found, this page discovered. Marley McHark and Amelia parker were my murderers they drove me psychologically to my next moves. The ones that led me off the edge…

Signing off for the last time

Nancy Dool x

I couldn’t speak. Or blink. I stared at the piece of paper. I would not let anyone take it away from me. Mum tried taking it from my hands but I wouldn’t let her. My headmaster said quite quietly.

“Who is your friend?”

I got up, put the folder under my arm and said


Mum looked confused and asked

“Is this Mistake character your friend Marley?”

I replied quickly with a responding “no” before running out the door and out the building. I just kept running and running. My eyes beginning to water from the wind. I didn’t slow down until I got to a ditch, the indentment near the hill I came too when I was with my friend. I crawled on all fours until I reached the spot wed taken the first time. I sat down and looked out to the other hills and the cloudy sky. I was alone.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was hers.

“What are we going to do?”

I ask, turning to face her. Without saying a word she got up, walked down the hill and into the circus tent that was now standing strong as it had been. I thought I’d walked threw it or have seen it at least when I came up here. Must have come or just appeared, just like her. I saw her emerge out of the tent and she

was given a lantern with a single flame in it by what looked like an elephant’s trunk. She walked back and gestured for me to stand. I left the file open and on the ground as I guessing her next movements.

“If I am a bad influence and the friend of an enemy what would those idiots say to Marley McHark making a little …Mistake?”

With the last word, she dropped the lantern on top of the file. Slowly, the pages caught fire and within minutes it was nothing but dust. We both smiled as the evidence of who she really is, was no more. Then it caught up to me that wed just burnt somebodies death report. As soon as it hit me we heard yells from a couple yards away. Police sirens and my mum’s voice started screeching and screaming.

I looked at my friend and asked

“What happened to your parents?”

She replied telepathically

“I made a mistake”.

I thought that must be possibly 9 attacks.

I couldn’t be called mad again. She read me and said

“c’mon, join me. We’ll get away from all of this”

I looked behind me and saw my mum pointing at me from the bottom of the hill.

“Where’d we go?”

I asked, a little frantic. My friend offered me a hand whilst she pointed at the circus tent.

Many climbed the bank of the hill to find us, but we were gone. I was surrounded by real colours living in sub-consciousness’.

Chapter 7

I was free. I was with her… forever.

We were in a circus tent that was not due here for another month. I was in another world with another persona of a person who is my friend.

If you ask my friends name I’ll tell you … “mistake

If you ask about my sanity I’ll tell you …”what sanity?”

If you ask where I am or why my body was not found. No matter where you look, I’ll tell you in your dreams or in your unconscious mind “mistakes happen”.

She may be a demon but who made the real mistake? After all, these people. These normal people, their insane!

The End
